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Sitecore Mobile SDK

The Sitecore Mobile SDK is divided into two frameworks (one for Apple iOS and another for Google Android) that are designed to help developers produce native platform apps that use and serve content that is managed by the Sitecore CEP.

This enables developers to rapidly develop applications that fully utilize the features of a mobile device, for example: camera, gesture, accelerometer, mapping and location features.
In addition, the applications can request and serve content from Sitecore efficiently and securely.

The Sitecore Mobile SDK projects are ‘shared source’ projects that have been developed in-house by Sitecore. They are distributed through Github, the popular open source hosting site that is the platform of choice for many developers. Please note that as a shared source product, the Sitecore Mobile SDK projects are not covered by the Customer Service agreement. You should instead use the shared source community support such as forums, blogs, and GitHub discussions.


Documentation for Sitecore Mobile SDK for iOS.


Documentation for Sitecore Mobile SDK for Android.